26 May 2007

Week 3…

N2N, Training Comments Off on Week 3…

This week in the Nations to Nations LTS, Jim Ored from Kona/Hawaii came to teach about: “How to spot, mentor and release leaders”.

He covered points like the different styles of authority, effects that makes or break good leadership, standards for eldership in councel and many more aspects, that gave good information and input about the essence of leadership from a biblical perspective.

Jim Ored travelled together with his young friend and “fellow leader” Sun-Awh Park. The two of them modelled in an amzazing way the dynamics of mentoring, eldership and discipleship, friendship and integrity. One could tell that both of them are working together as a strong and loving team, constantly championing and encouraging eachother. It was a delight to see the importance of different agegroups working and walking together and learning from one another.

Towards the end of the week, Jim was calling out the leadership team of the Nations to Nations LTS and began praying and releaseing them in their great vision of ministry. Many students stood up and proclaimed thanksgiving, encouragements and prophetic visions to the leadership of Nations to Nations and to their work with LTS.

The main prayer for Nations to Nations was multiplication – a new wave that would birth more laborers of places that were never heard of and where people never had the opportunity to speak up. The promise that the class felt God is giving N2N is that He will give them the nations that are still unnoticed. God will give them eyes to see them as these nations and cultures really are and meant to be.

Edwin Fillis – as the one with the great “fatherheart” for the Nations and Armando Benner – as the one people are drawn to and that leads naturally on a friendship level, are both leaders of the N2N LTS in Davao City.
It is inspiring to see them both whole heartedly giving the nations of Gods earth equality and credibility.

Week3 images Washing of the feet … Jim Orred and Students

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